Today makes day 3 for me. It's been pretty exciting!
I woke up this morning with no pain. I almost cried, I was so happy. Then I moved, and the gas woke
I think my Dr. wanted to make me a Macy's Thanksgiving Day Balloon, he filled me with so much gas.
But I have been laying with the heating pad, walking, and sitting up a lot in bed. My urine is a weird pink-ish yellow-ish brown. Not dark, but I have increased my water intake. At first I was afraid to even drink water because I was soo positive it would get stuck or something. I have discovered as long as I don't gulp it and give it a few seconds between drinks I can actually drink quite a bit of water, that makes me happy
**Oh happy news** I just had my first bm post surgery!! YEAAAHHH!! No straining, I think the protein shake helped move the mail.
I am going to stop with the pain medication, I am not a big fan of pain meds anyways, I don't like the way they make me feel but they are great for sleeping! I have liquid Tylenol for the minor cramps and ickies so that should be good. If not I still have the other,
One thing I am going to to today is shower!!! I feel nasty. hahaha
anyways I will try to write here every day about how my journey is going.
One of my bandages got wet from the shower so I took a picture of what my port incision looks like.
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